Friday, November 26, 2010

Blog Update Overdose

My sweet family is long-overdue for an update on the littles. Thank you, moms and dads and aunt, for not harassing me in the least for some pictures ;) Jenny, you did harass me, but for this I am thankful.

Norah on our trip to Galveston, October 2010

Audrey having a snack in the backyard, September 2010

Norah's piggies, Summer 2010

Cowboy's game, November 2010
The highlight of my night was getting to watch the DCC in real life :)We took Ethan to see the Blue Angels, October 2010

Ethan got his Green Belt, October 2010

Audrey gettin' jiggy wit it, Summer 2010; Audrey and Norah in the front yard demonstrating their skill of faking deafness. Norah is wearing her accessory of choice (a headband) and Audrey is wearing her accessories of choice (Ethan's shirt and tennis shoes), Summer 2010; Ethan singing his Benjamin Bunny 'B' song, September 2010

1 comment:

jenny said...

Hahaha YES, I pester you, but only cause I love your updates!

Ethan is such a sweet boy! I love him.

"Whas dat? Whas dat? Whas dat? Whas dat?" :)