After my request for a backyard 3-ft pool was painfully denied, I decided we couldn't take the heat or the indoors anymore. I prayerfully loaded the babies, the gear, and Ethan into the car, and off we went. From the ticket counter to the poolside, we got all kinds of "Oh my" comments, looks, and chuckles, but we pulled it off! We successfully floated around the lazy river for quite awhile, and the girls would have been game for a bit longer, but Ethan was the one to poop out first (he had been at summer camp all morning, so it was a long day for him).
To top it off, I was awarded the prize for the "Crazy Hat" contest. Not for any kind of crazy hat we had...just because the lifeguards decided I was crazy... :) We got two free passes and some bubbles.
OH, and this is so funny...Another mom came over to talk while I was getting the girls ready, and she goes, "Hey, were you the lady at Central Market that one day?" I knew exactly what day she was talking about:
We laughed and agreed that on that day and today, we were "quite a sight"....
What fun!!! :) :) :)
Congrats on the trip. I can't imagine making it with Carter alone, much less 3!!! And, yes, we definitely need a REAL play date. We'll plan that at our next Oasis Room meeting ;-)
Amazing what Moms can do, isn't it?! Congrats, Super Mom! :)
Michelle, you are truly amazing!! I struggle with taking a 2 and 3 year old to the water park solo and here you are with a 4 year old and infant twins. Kudos to you!! I wish I had your confidence and patience. By the way, which water park did you go to?
Thanks guys. Yes, it truly is amazing what we can manage doing as moms!
Jennifer, we love the smaller water park behind L.ville hospital. It only costs $3, too! I'd love if you and the kids join us!!! How about next week?
Hey Michelle - we should go together sometime. Between the two of us it would look like twins, triplets and the one we are currently (affectionately) calling "spaz monkey" - now THAT would be a sight sure to win some prizes (or a ride to the looney bin)!
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