On the day Audrey and Norah were dedicated, they each received a childrens Bible and a letter from our wonderful preschool director, Pam Nichols. Chris and I also received a letter...which, had I read FIRST, would have instructed me to save Audrey and Norah's letters in a safe place for years to come and present it to them on the day they asked Jesus into their hearts. Oops....I opened Audrey's letter first (I'll have to reseal it!), but I LOVE the explanation it gave of the dedication. I'm going to use portions and paraphrases of it here because it's worded so nicely.
October 4, 2009 was a very special day for our children, our family, and our 121 Community Church Family. We brought Audrey and Norah to the worship service and introduced them to our church.
The purpose of this dedication was to celebrate Audrey and Norah's birth and recognize each of them as a special gift from God, and pledge to them that we would all love them and nurture them so that they would begin to learn about the love of Jesus. As parents, we realize that we are responsible for Audrey and Norah's relationship to God according to His Word in Deuteronomy 6:5-7, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up."
As we commit ourselves to teach and lay the foundation of Audrey and Norah's faith, we pray that one day they would make Jesus the Savior and Lord of their life, that they would grow in the Lord, and that they would stay in fellowship with other believers.
For the dedication, each family is asked to invite a person or family who commits to being a godly influence for your children. We are so blessed by our families who pray for us and our children, but none of our family could be in town for this special day. Chris and I had no doubt who we would ask to be our children's influence from 121. The Baker family, Bob, Mary Ellen, Elizabeth, and Katie, are an amazing family who have been a big part of our lives since Day ONE at 121. Bob was the first person we met as he cared for Ethan in the nursery, and we continued to build relationship with them over the years. They have prayed with us and over us many times, and we are deeply grateful to have them in our lives.
Family picture before the dedication service
With the Baker Family
Chris and Audrey
Dedication Service
Each child was introduced. Here's what was said about Audrey:
"Audrey is a little peanut with a loud voice and a big laugh, but no one makes her laugh like Big Brother, Ethan. Audrey's name means "Noble Strength", and she has already shown that she is strong in will and determination. Her middle name, Elise, means "Dedicated to God".
During this time, Audrey was making lots of babbles :)
Here is what was said about Norah:
Norah's name means "Ray of Sunshine" and "Encourager". She is a silly girl who is very generous with her smiles and sweet giggles for Mom and Dad--a true ray of sunshine and encouragement on hard days! Her middle name, Isabella, also means "Dedicated to God".
After the children were introduced, the godly influences, church, and Pastor Ross prayed over them. It was truly a significant day for us!
I want to take a few more pictures of the girls in their pretty dresses. We were rushed the morning of the dedication and so tired by the end, we didn't have a chance to get some really good shots.
Blessings to the whole family! I hope it was a wonderful day!
It looked like a beautiful day!!! You all look so purdy!!!!
Awww - this is great, Michelle! We just dedicated our kiddos on September 27 - Brian's birthday. Good stuff. :>
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