Monday, March 31, 2008

Bed Time Conversations with a Three Year Old

"Mommy, where is God?"
---"He's everywhere. And He's here with us."
"But I can't see Him."
---"You can't see Him like you can see me, but He shows us He is here by the things He does."
"Where is God going?"
----"God isn't going anywhere. He's staying right here with us because He loves us. He will never leave you."

"Would you like to pray for anything tonight?"
"Dear God, please make a baby in Mommy's tummy. Amen."
"How do babies get out of Mommy's tummy?"
"I am BORN? Am I born? Why am I born?"

"Would you like to pray for anything else?"
"Dear God, please help me to not have nightmares. Thank you, God, for helpin' me. I love you, God. Amen. Mommy, that prayer was beautiful?"

Yes, baby. It was a beautiful prayer. You are beautiful, and you remind me that God is real. I love you, Little Bear.

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