Sunday, March 30, 2008

Slumber Party

We get home so late on Sunday evenings from Bible study, and hardly get to spend much time with Ethan on Sundays since we also attend the two morning services, so Sunday nights are our special "Slumber Party" nights. Ethan loves to go to sleep with us. In fact, every night he asks for a slumber party, to which we sometimes give in only because we have gotten too sleepy to do the whole bedtime ritual (i.e. LPM: Lazy Parent Mode). So, in a few minutes, I'm off to cuddle-snuggle with my sweet potato. I wonder if he will still want slumber parties with Mom and Dad when he's 16?

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.In other news, I had to be Valiant Mommy and rescue a tormented toad from our yard this evening. Ollie thought it appropriate to scoop up said toad in his mouth and run off with it (in Ollie's defense, one of his favorite house toys is a stuffed frog, exactly the same size as the real one). Ranger didn't notice the toad and kept stepping on it. Ethan kept poking it with his finger to make it hop....Here's what he had to say about it: "I don't really like it. It's a little bit fuzzy" and "Why is he hopping? Why doesn't he hop into the bushes?" I tried to encourage HIM to pick it up and put it in the bushes so that I wouldn't have to. He was reluctant and needed a little encouragement, so I courageously picked up the little toady between my fingers. It took everything within me not to squeal, but thank goodness under the dark of night, Ethan couldn't see my twisted face. It was much more squishy AND bony than I thought it would be. ew. Upon seeing my fearlessness, Ethan yelled, "Hey, let me try that!" Um,'s all yours! Ethan held that poor little toad a few seconds before giving it a grand send-off into the bushes:

Sleep well, little Toady, sleep well.

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