Friday, May 16, 2008

The Little Things

There are big, huge things to be thankful for daily...shelter, provision, Salvation, God's grace, family....but today, the little things stuck out to me. Today, I am thankful for

The cool morning

The family trip to the Snow Cone cart on the side of the road

Chris and Ethan having guy time at Home Depot

Quiet time to read my Bible

A girl I've never met before named Angie, who encourages me through her honesty and relationship with Jesus

Quick customer service and replacement lids for my favorite cute coffee thermos

The older kids at the park who made Ethan laugh a ton by including him in their game of tag

Chris folding the laundry AND putting it away

Ollie following me from room to room

Ethan's brave spirit to try new things, even the things that make my heart leap to my throat

The Apostle Paul and his example of rejoicing in difficult times

Ethan's silliness, and the way it makes us laugh

Thank you, Lord, for giving us today. You are good, and all You do is good. Thank you because You work all things together for the good of those who love You, who are called by Your name. Today, let my life be hidden in You, centered upon You, that You would receive glory.

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