Monday, September 22, 2008

Pack Rat in the Making?

Ethan has been choosing one special thing to play with in bed before falling asleep, which I don't have a problem with, so long as he stays on the bed and goes to sleep fairly quick. His recent faves have been his firefighter helmet, a sunglasses box with a rope, cloth, and firetruck keychain in it, a clip board with papers (to play office), and a pirate notebook with pen (to journal), but he only chooses one thing to have in bed with him.

Last night was our Sunday Night Slumber Party. Since Chris wasn't home, there was plenty of room in the bed, so here's a list of what we slept with last night:
A heating pad (turned off and thrown on the floor after he was asleep)
A firefighter helmet
A "microscope" (empty toilet paper tube)
A "sword" (hanger)
A rock that could do many things--turn into a door, a TV, a candle, a boat....
His train blanket in case he wanted to sleep with his head at the foot of the bed
and the standard Bob blanket with Puppies and Quackies

I drew the line when I heard him sing a little song with words along these lines: "Oh no....I forgot my cash register....I must tell my mom....I must go get my cash register...."

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