Wednesday, November 12, 2008

23 Weeks

The babies are growing so quickly! I can't believe I'm 23 weeks pregnant today. That means I will (hopefully) have at least 13 weeks and a maximum of probably 15 weeks left (if I deliver between 36 and 38 weeks). I feel's that wonderful honeymoon stage of pregnancy--no more sickness and not too gigantic that I feel like I can't move around....for the most part. By evening, I'm more bloated and tired and sometimes uncomfortable, not to mention the heartburn. I love me some Tums!

The best part of this stage is getting to watch and feel my little ones jiggle around. I think the one on my right continues to be more active than the one on my left, but it could just be how they are positioned. The baby on my right is higher up, so she can almost tickle my ribs, while the baby on my left is low and I can hardly see her move when she kicks low (my big belly hides her). Sometimes, though, I can't tell who is who bouncing around in there.

My next appointment is Friday, but it's a boring one--blood pressure and measurements. My next appointment after that should be two weeks later and will be a sonogram to see how they are growing. I can't wait!

32.5 inches!

1 comment:

Dorothy said...

Look at how stinking cute you are!!! I can't wait to meet those girls!!