Friday, January 16, 2009


I think...I *think* we might have names for our girls! It's SO not official yet, so I'm not announcing anything, but something clicked last night and we're trying them on for size :) I hope this is it! Both the first names have meanings that seem to fit their personalities thus far, and both their middle names are derivatives of each other, so they have the same meaning (but sound nothing alike). Perhaps they won't be A and B forever!

Off topic...
I forgot that Ethan cracked me up at the sibling class when the teacher asked everyone what they were going to teach their new brother or sister. The standard answers were, "How to talk", "How to crawl", "How to play".... Ethan's answer was (and has been many times before and after this incident) "To not play with the printer." He is such a rule-enforcer, just like his mommy.

1 comment:

Kami said...

Ok, I had to lagh out loud, my husband had to ask, I had to tell and we were both laughing out loud. Too cute. Your son is so adorable.
