Tuesday, July 13, 2010


What a week...

They don't call me "Smooth" for noth--
Oh wait, they really don't call me "Smooth"...

Already mostly healed, although the babies LOVE seeking it out and pushing it to get a reaction out of me. It feels fine unless baby fingers are poking it.

I think this one still has some color to make known over the next few days. I'm sitting on the couch VERY sore.

I almost passed out. Twice. Not exactly a moment of dignity.

And because my elbow keeps wanting to gush every time I bend it, Mr. Sad will be accompanying me through the night.
The bright side is that instead of picking up the house, I've got my boo-boo body plopped down on the couch to indulge in the series finale of The Hills. I can admit to that because with all these ouchies on my adult body, I don't have much dignity left to grasp at tonight.


Shannon said...

OMG - what the heck happened?! :(

Shannon said...

P.S. Are you SURE that elbow doesn't need stitches??? That looks deep! :(

myfriar said...

Shannon, it was mostly a spastic moment of panic at the city pool....lesson learned...the only one injured was ME, not my baby!

The lifeguard said it could need stitches but probably not. We were having too much fun at the pool to want to leave, and by the time I got to really thinking about it, I was alone and didn't know how I would be able to handle the kids at a med clinic with a gimp arm by myself. It's not bleeding today; just really, really swollen and still unbendable. So, there's the saga. ha,ha...

Shannon said...

Oh mannn! Terrible! :( I hope you heal quickly! Sounds (and looks) SO painful.