Monday, December 1, 2008

Our girls...

...are still girls :)

Our ultrasound this morning was great! Both babies were measuring well. Baby A is about 1 lb, 13 oz and Baby B is about 2 lbs. They both measured a couple days ahead of their gestational age, which was a relief to hear. Today they were both vertex (head down), which is the position I hope to be in when labor begins so as to try for a non-surgical birth. Baby B's foot measured about 2 cute!

We are working hard to get their nursery ready. Seems we can't agree on anything, we're off to duke out paint colors. I'm actually a little disappointed since I painted samples this weekend and found one that I was ready to go with. Chris came in this morning and vetoed it, so we're on our way to re-mix paint.

Baby A Profile; Baby B's head is on the left

Baby B Foot

Baby A Foot (looks like a marsupial...)

Baby A Face


Lizze said...

Yeah!!!!!!!! Glad they are growing so well! They look beautiful. Good luck duking out the paint colors!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the painting...paint it before Chris gets home then you won't have to fight...hehehe.
The girls are getting big. so cute,can you feel two babies or does it just feel like one moving? Is Ethan excited for sisters? Talk to you soon
Christina Sotelo

Anonymous said...

I want pictures of the girls nursery posted as soon as its done!!!

Sarah said...

I want pictures, too! And your blog readers should totally have a vote on paint colors. :)

myfriar said...

We're working on it! We kind of wimped out and went with the SAME green from Ethan's room. We are so safe. And by safe, I mean boring. Chris' parents are coming this week, so we were under the gun to pick colors so they can help paint. The bottom is green and the top is light pink.

kellbelle96 said...

Absolutely precious!! And I have to say that you are the absolute prettiest pregnant woman EVER!! The girls are going to be beautiful just like their mommy! :)