Saturday, December 20, 2008


Ethan loves to read books in bed after we've said our prayers. With his new bunk bed set-up, we put a light up on the wall and each night he picks out his books and takes them up to bed (and, proud mommy moment, it usually includes his little red New King James Bible so he can "read" the Psalms).

Sometimes we hear him read out loud, sometimes he quietly reads to himself, but always within about 15 minutes, I hear the light click off, and shortly after, snoring. I go in to check on him, and he's always got his books stacked neatly at the end of the bed so I can put them back in his book basket on the ground.

I love that he is responsible enough to listen to his own body tell him he's sleepy and it's time to turn off the lights. I wish I were so disciplined!

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