I normally do not mind little critters running around my house, but lately, I feel like they're running a muck around here.
Ants in My Pants: Yesterday I stood out in the backyard for a few minutes and returned to the house, holding two babies in my arms. I must have been standing on an ant hill outside because suddenly, I felt ants biting my legs. Because I was holding the girls, I couldn't brush them off, and I wanted to panic because I didn't know how many ants were on me. I started to scream to Chris to take the babies because ants were biting me, but he thought I was just being a spaz and laughed at me (not being a jerk; I admit, I do have a history of being spastic). He finally took the babies and put them on the floor, but that made me freak out even more b/c I knew the ants would be crawling off my shoes and onto the carpet. It was really hard to see them because my shoes and pants were black, but I was picking tons of them off my feet. Finally, we got my shoes and pants off, got the girls moved, and vacuumed the carpet. Stupid Fire Ants. End of drama.
Worker Ants: Anyone else in Texas have an invasion of worker ants recently? They are everywhere in our house, walking up walls, on our towels, on the sink, and esp. in the bathroom. There are maybe 5 or 6 floating in our toilet at any one time. The rain must be driving them inside, but they don't seem to do much harm. I just feel violated that they are making their way into our house. Is that an ant I feel crawling up my arm?
Spider Mommy: The other night, I let Sadie back in the house and a HUGE, I mean GIGANTIC, spider came racing in our house. It ran under our couch, so I had Chris lift the couch while I tried to get it, but I couldn't find it. I had a strong feeling that this spider was not welcome in our home, so I kept whining about it, much to Chris' dismay. A bit longer, as we were turning in for bed, I caught sight of the beast and grabbed a glass to trap it (I may not want them in my house, but I wouldn't dare smoosh an innocent spider). As I trapped it, I noticed that I also trapped an itty-bitty-teeny spider at the same time. No, wait, I also trapped one of the beast's babies...and the rest of her babies were hitching a ride on Mama Spider's back....hundreds of them...which gave Mama Spider the appearance of being HUGE, when actually, she just had lots and lots of spiders on her. Gives me chills to think of it! Good call on getting that spider out of here. Is that a spider I feel on my head?