Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I just got some video of sweet little Audrey taking some steps on her own! She is SO motivated, it's not even funny (OK, it's hilarious AND adorable!). I'll have to get some video later this week because the one I took tonight won't be posted for two reasons:
1. We just finished dinner, so both girls are in nothing but diapers...and their Papi Frank gets greatly disturbed when I post baby naked pictures for all the world to see (right, Papi?)
2. All my obnoxious shrieking, hootin', and hollerin' is quite embarrassing.

Let me tell ya, is CUTE and EXCITING!!!!


Shannon said...

Awww - awesome! WTG, Audrey! :)

Sarah said...

WHAT?! No fair!!!! What a tease you are! ;)