Friday, February 12, 2010

Norah made a trade...

I think she has officially traded Hands and Knees for Souls of Feet! I hardly saw her crawl today...she has been trotting around all day, standing 28 inches high...but by the smile on her face, I think she thinks she's 8 feet tall!

It looks like we have a legitimate reason to buy cute little pink tennis shoes from Stride Rite!! :)

And little Ms. Sissy Pants is starting to get the idea....For the last couple days, she has stood there and told us with her eyes, "I want to walk to you!! I want to, I just can't get my feet moving!" Today, she made great efforts and laughed the whole time I coaxed her along. I think she'll be chasing her sister within the month...that's my prediction.


Sarah said...

Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!!!!!!! YAY NORAH!!!!!!!! She looks like such a big girl. Come on Audrey! You can do it!!! Btw, LOVE Audrey's "bangs." Your girls are beautiful!!!!!!

Lizze said...

What a big girl! I have no doubt, Audrey will be chasing her soon!